Friday, June 26, 2009

ELSENHEIMER: BUDGET ACTION MUST REINVIGORATE ECONOMY: House Republican Leader calls for reinvestment into priorities, government reform.

12:27 AM | , ,

As several departmental budgets were sent to conference committee today, House Republican Leader Kevin Elsenheimer called for a commitment by all lawmakers to invest in the economy and reinvigorate the state jobs market, issuing the following statement:

"Now is a unique opportunity to reprioritize state government spending. The budget cuts that are necessary will not be easy or painless, and it is crucial that the top priority of all state lawmakers is job creation through a reinvestment in our economy. Our caucus will continue to look for cost-savings to reinvest in our economy.

"There are programs that we must fund -- and we will -- but there are many programs that we want to fund that economic realities won't allow. Every dollar we are able to save is a dollar we can reinvest and use to reinvigorate Michigan's economy and job creation."